Energy Harvesting Product Design Tools: Application Development Kit

Ambient has developed a set of tools to help our customers go from PV cell to total product integration.

One of those tools are our Application Development Kit (ADK). The ADK is a tool for validating the performance of Ambient’s PV cells. It measures the irradiance of a given location and the performance of the energy harvesting solution.

It is able to do this by: 1) measuring, plotting and logging the irradiance over time; 2) measuring, plotting and logging the power delivered by our PV cell into the energy harvesting solution over time; and 3) measuring, plotting and logging the power delivered by the energy harvesting solution into either a storage element or a user attached load over time.

This logged information can later be retrieved and analyzed to help us assess application fit in terms of energy delivered by our PV cell and energy consumed by the application.

The ADK is a flexible platform that allows us to evaluate fit for all sorts of applications. We can do so by changing the energy harvesting solution, the storage element, and applying different types of loads to simulate, or directly test different applications.

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